National Memorial to Victims of Communism

Today I attended an interview of Daniel Drapeau and Jerry Kovacs, Director of the Canadian Advocacy Group, about the new proposed National Memorial to Victims of Communism, slated to be built on parkland across from the Supreme Court on Wellington Street. I must say that their views, which reflect views of many veterans and veterans groups, are closely aligned to mine. I/We don’t want it.

My first big argument about installing this memorial is that communism and its’ attendant atrocities are not a Canadian experience and that’s important to remember. Yes, we have hundreds of thousands, if not more, in Canada who at one time lived under a communist regime, but that is their experience or the experience of their former country, NOT the Canadian experience. We in Canada have no experience with Communism and, other than the Korean War, have not fought against it formally as a country (the Cold War was not actually a war). It is my opinion that monuments, especially in Canada’s capital city, should reflect the Canadian experience and Canadian history, and even more so if they are going to plop it down right down the street from the Parliament Buildings.

Second, the size of the memorial is questionable. Again, because it’s not a Canadian experience do we need a memorial that dwarfs everything around it. Should any memorial in Ottawa be larger than the National War Memorial? I think not.

Third is the location, which has been mentioned already. To have a memorial the size of a park that has no reference to the Canadian experience located prominently along with Canada’s memorials and monuments to me is an affront. The sheer size takes away from the significance and importance of the other memorials/monuments that would be considered tourist attractions in downtown Ottawa, especially the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier and the National War Memorial.

So, join with the many veterans and other organizations who don’t think this memorial is appropriate, or at least appropriate as currently proposed and talk to your MPs, Councillors, or anyone who can make a difference.

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